Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation – Dental Procedure Code Description


No matter how vigilant one’s oral care regime, the irrepressible development of plaque, and the porous nature of teeth makes them prone to decay.

To forestall the excessive development of plaque that can result in gum and tooth loss, routine prophylaxis (Adult Prophylaxis Dental Procedure Code and Child Prophylaxis Dental Procedure Code) is recommended for all individuals.

Yet prophylaxis (a dental cleaning), is only part of the equation when it comes to our overall health.

In fact, the mouth is often considered a window to the rest of the body because many other illnesses first represent themselves as changes within the mouth.

As a result, if your dentist considers your mouth to be exhibiting signs of periodontal disease, or if you smoke, have diabetes, or other high-risk conditions, a comprehensive periodontal dental exam may be recommended.

This exam is also recommended if you have had a substantial change in your health history since your last regular visit, or if you have not been to your regular dentist in more than three years.

During an examination, your dentist will perform a visual examination, as well as a more detailed dental examination using bitewing or 360° panoramic X-rays, and sometimes an intra-oral camera to detect:

  • New cavities
  • Weaknesses in already installed crowns, fillings, and bridgework
  • Gum or bone recession
  • Teeth deterioration due to abnormal bite, bruxism, or TMJ

Additionally, full mouth probing and detailed charting are conducted.

Your dentist will also perform a visual and digital examination of lymph nodes throughout the face and neck, looking for any abnormalities, pain, or flexibility within the nodes that could be markers for disease.

Likewise, a similar examination of your lips, gums, tongue, and other internal mouth surfaces will be conducted. Again, this is to seek out any signs of illness or disease.

Since the comprehensive dental exam is designed to set a baseline of your health and to catch any early signs of serious illness that may be otherwise undetected, your dentist will be on the lookout for the following illnesses which can be detected during a comprehensive oral evaluation:

  • Diabetes
  • Leukemia
  • Blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Oral cancer
  • Immune abnormalities
  • Sinus problems

A comprehensive oral evaluation is a valuable part of your preventative health maintenance plan, and your dentist is a great ally in keeping an eye out for undiagnosed illnesses.

To look up and find more CDT dental codes from the American Dental Association, please visit our complete Dental Procedure Code Library.


6076 Telegraph Road

St. Louis, MO 63129

Open Hours

M 8-5 / T,W,Th 8-7 / Fri 8-2

(314) 487-0333

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